The Code Mobile

The Code Mobile is a super-hero themed computer lab on wheels that travelled across Canada in Summer 2016, and I'm the lucky one who got to design it all and teach kids to code across the country. This project ultimately lead to me dying my hair rainbow colours and travelling across half of Canada.

Process and Involvement

Melissa Sariffodeen approached me in the summer of 2015 with an ambitious idea to design a super-hero themed vehicle that would travel across the country teaching 10,000 kids to code. A child at heart myself, I leapt at the opportunity to use chunky fonts and vibrant colours. It was also exciting to design all different collateral for the project including the vinyl wrap for the vehicle, the website, app, signage, swag and apparel.

My drivers license expired a year after I moved to Toronto, so I wasn’t expecting to have the opportunity to travel on The Code Mobile itself. To my delight, I was asked to join the squad as an instructor and had a memorable summer in 2016 teaching people young and old how to create technology across Canada.


  • Brand Identity
  • Awning and Stickers
  • Vechicle Vinyl Wrap
  • Signage
  • Animation


  • Print Material
  • Web Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Illustration
  • Swag

I’m forever grateful to have had this opportunity and I’m so glad that The Code Mobile has since expanded the fleet to serve even more communities all across Canada.